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Product feature 1

GSS TBL S-LCA Benefits

There are many benefits of a TBL S-LCA:

  • Benefits for Consumers
  • Benefits for Retailers
  • Benefits for Distributors
  • Benefits for Manufacturers
  • Benefits for New Product Developers
  • Benefits for Investors
  • Benefits for CPAs

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Product feature 1

GSS TBL S-LCA Functions

This describes the functions of the GSS Standards-based TBL LCA.

  • Choose which parts of the Triple Bottom Line you want to work with. Change weights to zero for those metrics you do not want to compare.
  • Add custom metrics by request - all of your team can now be included in your decision-making and development tracking processes 

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Product feature 1

GSS TBL S-LCA Features

This describes some of the main features of the GSS TBL LCA.

  • we specialize in and evaluate products and services via multivariate comparative decision-making
  • multiple product / item comparison
  • multiple SDS/MDS/MSDS mixes -- and environmental impact calculations
  • create your own customized process metrics
  • data entry screens automatically created, or use batch update to load your .csv data files to your own custom specs
  • multiple graphical output formats
  • measure and optimize your entire "chain" of operations, from supply chains to delivery chains

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Product description

Green Star Standard Life Cycle Analysis Phases
Why Choose the Green Star Standard Life Cycle Assessment Process?

  1. Improve Interaction
    Improve how you interact with the Life Cycle Analyses and metrics that you currently use to track your design processes, supply chain and operations.

  2. Integrate Everyday Examples
    Integrate your engineering examples and customer case studies into your designs and processes.

  3. Identify and Remediate
    Identify issues and remediate the root causes via your root cause analyses. Standard-based GSS Life Cycle Assessments look at your entire product/service life, to the level of detail that you choose.
  4. No Programming Required
    If you can type, copy and paste, you can license our software, or become a member.
  5. Fully Customizable
    Unlike other companies selling or renting the use of server-side, pre-designed software, our user-interfaces are fully customizable.
  6. No Increase in Server Load
    Unlike other server-side software that requires a process to run on your server each time a re-calculation, data update, or comparison is made, our software operates in your web browser.
  7. Simple Fee Structure
    Unlike some other companies that rent their software on an annual basis, you can purchase ours via an affordable monthly licensing fee.
  8. User Friendly
    Unlike server-side software that forces you to click the back button each time they want to recompare, our software can compare multiple sets of mixes or groups without having to load another page.
  9. Stable
    Unlike Java software packages that are continually causing older web browsers to crash, our software not only works with older browsers, but if there is a problem the browser merely reports an error -- rather than crashing the browser.
  10. Software / Analytics Coop
    Unlike other companies, if a custom report is desired, and we deem we can re-license the report to other sites, you will only be charged the normal licensing fee -- not thousands of dollars in hourly programming fees.
  11. Keep Your Visitors
    Other companies include links to their websites on the user-interface of the installed software -- which may cause you to lose your visitor. With Green Star Standard, the copyright information is located unobtrusively in the page footer, with no link to our website.
  12. Secure
    Since our software operates solely on your computer browsers, you can be sure that private information about your visitor is not being collected by any third parties.
  13. Site Redesign? No Problem!
    If, after licensing and installing our software, you later redesign your site, you can simply revisit our Cool Design Tool and redesign/rebrand all of your software all at once.
  14. Cross-Platform
    Since our software resides on our web server, there is no need to install a special programming language on your web server in order to install our software on your website.
  15. One Bite At a Time
    Unlike other software companies that require you to buy/rent a large suite of expensive software, you can license our inexpensive software in any quantity you choose -- as often as you choose.
  16. Wholistic Approach 
    Life Cycle Assessment assesses the environmental impacts of a product, service, organization or community (i.e. a system of products and services) over its entire life cycle.  It is a holistic approach that takes into account:
    • Extraction and treatment of raw materials
    • Educational tools
    • Product manufacturing
    • Transport and distribution
    • Product use
    • End of life
  17. Growth and Innovation
    By revealing the source and relative magnitude of environmental impacts, product-level LCA data  informs your innovation agenda:
    • It points to areas ripe for improvement, and
    • Helps model the outcomes of competing new ideas.
    • It improves marketing and sustainability claims to strengthen customer loyalty and boost sales. 
  18. Cost Savings
    Clarity around what’s truly driving environmental impacts – and their corresponding monetary costs:
    • It helps hone your sustainability investments in the areas of highest potential impact.
    • There’s the potential for tax savings too:
      • changes in plant locations,
      • certain investments in R&D, and
      • projects related to renewable energy could be eligible for tax credits or other incentives. 
    • LCA helps managers tie cost savings to specific initiatives, demonstrating the value of sustainability throughout their own organization and to external shareholders.
  19. Internal Alignment
    For large organizations who have struggled with how to get different functional departments to see eye-to-eye on sustainability issues, LCA provides a common ground for internal goal-setting and communication. Engineers, bookkeepers, and marketers alike can rally around the relative objectivity provided by LCA results to achieve consensus on enterprise-wide priorities. 
  20. Regulatory Preparedness 
    For companies/communities with carbon-intensive products/services, LCA helps quantify the projected product cost implications of future carbon legislation and flags those areas that warrant immediate action. LCA enhances full disclosure to deflect scrutiny by regulators and other stakeholders. 

  21. Corporate Reputation
    LCA demonstrates that a company/community has moved beyond surface-level sustainability window-dressing to a deeper commitment to improved environmental impact. Its legitimacy in the eyes of scientists and regulators lends this approach an element of trust among stakeholders that other approaches lack. As LCA becomes more common, it is the actual results – and what they say about a company’s environmental progress – that will matter to stakeholders. 

  22. Risk Reduction
    By identifying and quantifying major environmental impacts, LCA helps your company develop your “position” around environmental issues to which your operations contribute. Whether it’s carbon emissions, toxic emissions, hazardous waste, or water consumption, each type of environmental impact represents a potential liability of which your company should be aware and manage accordingly.

  23. Minimize Your Compliance Burden
    Minimize compliance or regulatory costs by eliminating underused or obsolete material and processes hidden in your product or service - by design.

  24. 3rd-Party Certification Agency
    When two companies’ products are verified by the same third-party certification agency, there is greater meaning in comparing environmental impacts across competitors. Furthermore, it can be a more useful way to communicate LCA results to customers, who would need some sort of context or relative comparison in order to incorporate this information into their purchasing decisions. 

  25. Dataset Quality
    Some datasets needed to feed LCA analyses are publicly available. Previously there has been no standard to govern their quality. What’s more, such datasets are not tailored to the specific company conducting the assessment. They are useful for identifying sector-wide issues but may not be accurate enough for internal decision-making. 

  26. Scenario Planning
    Scenario planning helps you understand the robustness of your strategic direction in the light of evolving regulations and fluctuations in the price of natural resources (including oil and water).
    • To develop realistic scenarios,
      • Familiarize yourself with the various policies under debate and
      • Stay abreast of new developments as important bills move through the legislative process.
        • For example, examine the structural changes in the marketplace that may result from tax credits and other incentives in areas like renewable energy and building efficiency.
      • Take stock of glaring weaknesses that could take a long time to correct, and
      • Consider investing in early measures to mitigate major risks before they become actual costs.

  27. Eco-Labelling
    Ensure that the Eco-labels and Green Stickers you use are up to date and correctly represent your brands in your chosen markets. Eco-labels and Green Stickers are labeling systems for food and consumer products. Ecolabels are voluntary, but green stickers are mandated by law;

Green Star Standard: When it comes to being green, we mean business.

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